When we come to Jesus, the power of the Holy Spirit transforms our lives. In Paul's second letter to the church at Corinth, he wrote about the freedom that comes from living in the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom". II Corinthians 3:17 "...where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom". The source of our freedom in Christ is not found in ourselves, our riches, our gifts, positions, power, prestige, or accomplishments. Instead, the source of our freedom is in His Holy Spirit. No longer do we need to live imprisoned in fear, shame, guilt, or constant need to impress anybody--especially God. No longer do we need to feel the pressure of living like Jesus in our own power. Instead, we simply allow Christ to shine through us. Paul goes on in verse 18 of II Corinthians 3, to write: "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." II Corinthians 3:18 This Sunday, we will take a two week break from our series on Heroes of Faith, as we welcome our guest speaker, Dr. Dennis Beatty. Pastor Beatty currently serves with Interim Pastor Ministry (IPM), providing intentional interim leadership for churches who are searching for a new Senior Pastor. Dennis has over 50+ years of pastoral experience, serving as the Senior Pastor at 4 churches in California and Arizona. But more importantly, he was my first ministry boss, as I served under Dennis as a youth pastor. Having "cut my teeth" under his leadership, I consider him one of my ministry mentors. Join us this Sunday at 9:30am as we welcome Pastor Dennis Beatty to Calvary Parkside! After the service, "Connect with One Another Authentically", in our Adult Discipleship class. This class meets at 11:00am and is currently studying the last days of Jesus' time here on earth. Learn more about Jesus, His love for you, and His call on our lives to follow Him. Where's Calvary Parkside?: Tulsa, Oklahoma, New Orleans, Louisiana, Victoria, British Columbia, Hawaii, Southern Oregon, Don't be left out as we continue to take Calvary Parkside on the road. How? It's simple. Take your Calvary Parkside t-shirt with you on vacation. Then email your photo to [email protected]. It's that easy! Need a Calvary Parkside t-shirt? Stop by the Next Step Table this Sunday and pick one up and let's continue to "Make Jesus non-ignorable in Beaverton and to the ends of the earth." See you Sunday! Doug In a world that is dependent on the senses and constantly critiqued by the sciences, a Christian life of faith is difficult to understand. In his book The Root of the Righteousness, A.W. Tozer notes that a true Christian "feels supreme love for the One whom he has never seen, talks familiarly every day to Someone he cannot see,...sees the invisible, hears the inaudible and knows that which passeth knowledge." The more skeptical and materialistic our world becomes, the more outlandish the person of faith will appear. When we live with confidence is what we hope for and assurance in what we do not see, not only does our faith become stronger, but Jesus becomes non-ignorable.
Join us this Sunday at 9:30am, as we take a deep-dive into the faith of Joseph from the Old Testament. Joseph's life was full of ups and downs, but he understood that God was faithful. After being sold by his jealous brothers, wrongfully accused of a crime, and put in prison, he still trusted that God was who He said He was and would do what He said he would do. Joseph knew God was faithful and was with him in the valleys and mountaintops, and God refined him through the trials he faced. No matter what trials we experience, we can trust God with our future because He has shown Himself to be faithful in our past and in our present. After the service, "Connect with One Another Authentically", in our Adult Discipleship class. This class meets at 11:00am and is currently studying the last days of Jesus' time here on earth. Learn more about Jesus, His love for you, and His call on our lives to follow Him. BHS Work Party Update: Thanks to all those who participated in our BHS Work Party and BBQ. Even after we were done, I heard teachers commenting on how appreciative they were of our help, and more importantly, how good the food was...GREAT JOB EVERYONE! Where's Calvary Parkside?: Tulsa, Oklahoma, New Orleans, Louisiana, Victoria, British Columbia, Hawaii, Southern Oregon, Don't be left out as we continue to take Calvary Parkside on the road. How? It's simple. Take your Calvary Parkside t-shirt with you on vacation. Then email your photo to [email protected]. It's that easy! Need a Calvary Parkside t-shirt? Stop by the Next Step Table this Sunday and pick one up and let's continue to "Make Jesus non-ignorable in Beaverton and to the ends of the earth." See you Sunday! Doug This Sunday at 9:30am, we will continue our summer series called Heroes of Faith. Summer Sundays at Calvary Parkside are designed to be both connecting and stand-alone. We recognize that the summer months, for many in our church family, means travel. So what we want to do is provide summer teaching that gives you the freedom to travel, but still be connected. So while each Sunday is a stand-alone message, each message is connected to an overall theme. And this summer's theme is faith.
The Book of Hebrews tells us we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses of faith and we look to Jesus who is the author and the perfecter of our faith. Faith is a journey, a race of endurance that we are called to run. This week we are going to look at the life of Noah as an example of faith – Noah believed God. Noah also found grace in the eyes of God. His life stands as a witness to us and we are going to look at the race faith he ran. Noah stood out in the age he lived – he led his family well and they were saved from the destruction that came upon the whole world. Jesus said that before He returns it will be just like the days of Noah, people will be living as if God doesn’t exist. After the service, "Connect with One Another Authentically", in our Adult Discipleship class. This class meets at 11:00am and is currently studying the last days of Jesus' time here on earth. Learn more about Jesus, His love for you, and His call on our lives to follow Him. BHS Work Party, June 22, 9:00am to 1:00pm. Did you know the majority of Beaverton High School is being torn down to make way for a brand-new Beaverton High School. Calvary Parkside has been asked to play a small, but critical role in the rebuild process. Join us at Beaverton High School on Thursday, June 22nd, as we help teachers and staff pack up their classrooms and offices so it can all be easily relocated to portable buildings. We are also planning to host an appreciation bbq at noon. You can sign-up to help using the Connect Card. Simply write BHS Work Party on your Connect Card and put it in the offering plate or turn it in at the Next Step table. Where's Calvary Parkside?: Join us this summer for a virtual all-church road trip. How? It's simple. Take your Calvary Parkside t-shirt with you on vacation. Then email your photo to [email protected]. It's that easy! Need a Calvary Parkside t-shirt? Stop by the Next Step Table this Sunday and pick one up and let's continue to "Make Jesus non-ignorable in Beaverton and to the ends of the earth." See you Sunday! Doug Summer is here, and with it, longer days, warmer temperatures and vacations. This Sunday at 9:30am, we will kick-off a summer series designed with you in mind and we are calling it Heroes of Faith. Summer Sundays at Calvary Parkside are designed to be both connecting and stand-alone. We recognize that the summer months, for many in our church family, means travel. So what we want to do is provide summer teaching that gives you the freedom to travel, but still be connected. So while each Sunday is a stand-alone message, each message is connected to an overall theme. And this summer's theme is faith.
In Hebrews 11, the author defines faith as: "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." He goes on to give us a list of both men and women in the Old Testament who were heroes of faith. These people didn't all behave well, yet there were moments in their lives where they demonstrated great faith. Through this summer series, we will gain an understanding, not just of these biblical heroes of faith; but how, through their faith, we can gain a better understanding of Jesus, who as the author of Hebrews writes, is "The pioneer and perfecter of our faith". After the service, "Connect with One Another Authentically", in our Adult Discipleship class. This class meets at 11:00am and is currently studying the last days of Jesus' time here on earth. Learn more about Jesus, His love for you, and His call on our lives to follow Him. Where's Calvary Parkside?: Join us this summer for a virtual all-church road trip. How? It's simple. Take your Calvary Parkside t-shirt with you on vacation. Then email your photo to [email protected]. It's that easy! Need a Calvary Parkside t-shirt? Stop by the Next Step Table this Sunday and pick one up and let's continue to "Make Jesus non-ignorable in Beaverton and to the ends of the earth." Calvary Parkside Deacons: Do you easily spot practical needs and then take the initiative to meet them efficiently? Are you drawn with compassion to care for and serve those in our church family who are widows, homebound, or just need someone to visit and pray with them. Do others see in you a spirit of humility, gentleness and a willingness to be flexible? Consider becoming a Calvary Parkside Deacon. This role is open to both men and women who are current members of our church. For more information, contact Doug Boyd or Larry Annes. Note: Should you have any physical needs such as: benevolence, moving heavy items, transportation needs, etc., please reach out to Greg and Jonella Malinowski, who serve as our Lead Deacons. See you Sunday! Doug |
December 2024