Trunk o' Treat: This Saturday, October 28th, from 4pm to 7pm, Calvary Parkside will host our annual Trunk O Treat neighborhood outreach. This is a great opportunity to love our neighbors! It's not too late to invite your friends and family. This fun event will include pizza, candy, carnival games, a bounce house, hay ride and more.
Join us Sunday at 9:30am, as we conclude our journey through the book of Ephesians. Both profoundly theological and practical, Ephesians strikes at the heart of every believer. As a letter designed to be both descriptive and prescriptive, we are reminded that the Christian life is meant to be both believed and lived. This means each of us are responsible for both doctrinal truth and practical living. So here's the question: Are you committed to standing on the truth of God's Word, without losing your love for God, each other, and those without Jesus? Join us in-person as we sing together, study God's word and celebrate our identity as adopted sons and daughters of the King. El Buen Pastor will once again lead us in worship through song and we will end our morning with the Lord's Supper. Adult Discipleship Class Study: Stick around after our service as we continue our study through Psalm 119. Psalm 119 is a heartfelt prayer from the Psalmist, that can be used as a tool to transform your affection to love God's Word more. Dusty's Heart Apartment Ministry (Kelly Nelson): Calvary Parkside is excited to be a part of their pantry and bottle drive. This Sunday, we will continue collecting toilet paper, paper towels and/or laundry soap for the pantry. There will also be a van in the parking lot, (labeled Dusty's Heart) where you can drop of your cans and bottles. Thank you for partnering with us as we focus on meeting needs, building relationships with our neighbors, and presenting them with the Gospel. Thank you for being a church that values prayer. See you Sunday! Doug This week we come to the last chapter of Ephesians. In the first half of the book, we talked a lot about our identity in Christ. In the last half of the book, we've talked a lot about living out our identity in Christ. Now that we belong to Christ, our lives look different. Paul spends the time to tell us what the worthy walk looks like. It is based upon the kind of love that God gave us--an Agape kind of love or an unconditional love. Paul has called us to unity. The language Paul uses is clear.
But this week Paul suggests that to walk this worthy walk might just be more difficult than believers might realize. To advance God's kingdom might just be wrought with struggle and battle. In Ephesians 6:10, we come to the fight we are called to fight. We fight with weapons of Heaven, not the weapons of our enemy who seeks to kill and steal and destroy. Paul encourages us to stand! Paul encourages us to take up the armor of God. Paul calls us to prayer. Join us this Sunday at 9:30am, as we explore the images of spiritual battle that followers of Jesus encounter. The worship team from El Buen Pastor, will lead us in music. Join us in person as we gather together to worship God passionately, grow to love him deeply and connect with one another authentically, in order to go, show and tell the gospel boldly! Adult Discipleship Class Study: Stick around after our service as we continue our study through Psalm 119. Psalm 119 is a heartfelt prayer from the Psalmist, that can be used as a tool to transform your affection to love God's Word more. James Everett (candidate for Associate Pastor): Last Sunday I shared that James and his family, after spending time in prayer and meeting with trusted friends and family, believe that God is leading them to join us here at Calvary Parkside! This Sunday, we will vote to call James as our Associate Pastor. Please pray for God's wisdom and guidance in this decision. Trunk o' Treat: Mark your calendars for our annual Trunk O' Treat neighborhood outreach event, which will take place on Saturday, October 28th from 4:00pm to 7:00pm and will include food, candy, carnival games, a bounce house, hay ride, pumpkins and more. Volunteer sign-ups and candy donations will begin this Sunday. Please spread the word to your neighbors, friends and relatives. Dusty's Heart Apartment Ministry (Kelly Nelson): Calvary Parkside is excited to be a part of their pantry and bottle drive. This Sunday, we will continue collecting toilet paper, paper towels and/or laundry soap for the pantry. There will also be a van in the parking lot, (labeled Dusty's Heart) where you can drop of your cans and bottles. Thank you for partnering with us as we focus on meeting needs, building relationships with our neighbors, and presenting them with the Gospel. Thank you for being a church that values prayer. See you Sunday! Doug Life is made meaningful by relationships, the most meaningful of which is that between a man and a woman in marriage. Peter called it "the grace of life" (I Peter 3:7). Yet the fulfillment of that relationship is elusive. A marriage that continually gets better, richer and more satisfying is rare today. However, when it comes together, matching the divine design, marriage takes on sacred depths. It becomes an interweaving of souls so deeply connected that the Apostle Paul uses the term "mystery" to describe it.
This Sunday at 9:30am, we will dive deep into Ephesians 5, as we hear from Paul on the topic of marriage. In Ephesians 5:22-33, Paul will point us to Christ as the supreme role model for how both husbands and wives are to function within the context of the marriage relationship. Husbands and wives, are you ready to take up the challenge? Are you ready to ask yourself some probing questions and to commit to taking steps toward a close-knit relationship with your spouse? Join us on Sunday, as worship God passionately, connect with one another authentically and grow in our relationship with God and others...especially our spouse. Not married?....Consider joining us anyway, as the biblical principles we will look at on Sunday informs us that everything we do in the Christian life is to be governed by godly, Christlike behavior: humility, gentleness, patience, tolerance, love and mutual submission. How we conduct ourselves in our relationships should bring glory to God, recognizing that we're living testimonies of His undeserved grace and life-giving love. Join us on Sunday at 9:30am. Adult Discipleship Class Study: Stick around after our service as we continue our study through Psalm 119. Psalm 119 is a heartfelt prayer from the Psalmist, that can be used as a tool to transform your affection to love God's Word more. Trunk o' Treat: Mark your calendars for our annual Trunk O' Treat neighborhood outreach event, which will take place on Saturday, October 28th from 4:00pm to 7:00pm and will include food, candy, carnival games, a bounce house, hay ride, pumpkins and more. Volunteer sign-ups and candy donations will begin this Sunday. Please spread the word to your neighbors, friends and relatives. Dusty's Heart Apartment Ministry (Kelly Nelson): Calvary Parkside is excited to be a part of their pantry and bottle drive. This Sunday, we will begin collecting toilet paper, paper towels and/or laundry soap for the pantry. There will also be a van in the parking lot, (labeled Dusty's Heart) where you can drop of your cans and bottles. Thank you for partnering with us as we focus on meeting needs, building relationships with our neighbors, and presenting them with the Gospel. Thank you for being a church that values prayer. See you Sunday! Doug It was great having James Everett, Associate Pastor candidate, with us this past Sunday. Hopefully you were able to meet him and learn a little bit more about his passion for music, the richness of God's Word, and the importance of living a life that brings glory and honor to God. Please pray for our church family, as we ask God for clarity in hiring James, and for he and his wife Ali, as they pray about joining us here at Calvary Parkside. If you have any questions about James or the Associate Pastor position, feel free to reach out to myself or Larry Annes.
Throughout the Bible, the imagery of light is used to describe the purity, power, and the perfection of God. With the words "Let there be light," God's six-day work of creation began. Since that time, the light of God has been a source of hope and encouragement. He is our light and our salvation (Psalm 27:1). He is everlasting light...our glory (Isaiah 60:19). Jesus is the true light and the light of the world (John 1:9, 8:12). This message of God being the source of true light and salvation, had radically transformed the pagan, perverse city of Ephesus, but now, 15 years later, the Apostle Paul is concerned that the Ephesian believers are being lulled into sleep by its continued wickedness. Join us this Sunday at 9:30am, as we look at Ephesians 5:8-14, where Paul reminds us that we are children of light and that we have been transformed into LIVING LIGHT. Adult Discipleship Class Study: Stick around after our service as we continue our study through Psalm 119. Psalm 119 is a heartfelt prayer from the Psalmist, that can be used as a tool to transform your affection to love God's Word more. Calvary Parkside Membership Class: Next Sunday, October 15th @ 11:00am. Sign-up using the Connect Card or stop by the Next Step table. Trunk o' Treat: Mark your calendars for our annual Trunk O' Treat neighborhood outreach event, which will take place on Saturday, October 28th from 4:00pm to 7:00pm and will include food, candy, carnival games, a bounce house, hay ride, pumpkins and more. Please spread the word to your neighbors, friends and relatives. More details coming soon! Thank you for being a church that values prayer. See you Sunday! Doug At some point, most of Paul's letters contain a shift from principle to practical, from doctrine to duty, from orthodoxy to orthopraxy. The book of Ephesians is no different. Beginning with Ephesians 4:1, Paul pauses to say, "In light of all the great theological truths I've just shared, act in the following way." Think back to the profound doctrinal principles he has been developing in his letter to the Ephesian believers:
1. our adoption as God's children (1:4-5) 2. the hope of our inheritance (1:11, 18) 3. the riches of God's grace (2:1-10) 4. our unity with God and with each other (2:11-22) This Sunday at 9:30am, Pastor Larry will begin our transition away from doctrine, as we turn our attention towards how we are to live as followers of Christ, and in response to God's amazing grace. Our sins are forgiven by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and now we have been made alive in Christ – but what now? Paul answers that question in Chapter 4. This week we are going to talk about the implications of the grace that God has poured out upon us. We are going to talk about the worthy walk of those who have put their trust in Jesus. Jesus calls us to walk in humility, gentleness, and patience; forbearing with one another in love. Sounds easy – right? Since Jesus has defeated the powers of darkness that enslaved us and we are free from that power – He is able to equip His leaders of His church and the people of His church for the work He has called us to do. We are called to unity and He has called us to mature in His Kingdom and we are all called to a life of serving as we labor to advance the Kingdom of God. Join us this Sunday at 9:30am, as we gather together to worship God passionately, grow to know God deeply and connect with one another authentically. New Adult Discipleship Class Study: Speaking of connecting with one another authentically, make plans to join us after the service at 11:00am, as our Adult Discipleship Class begins a new study in Psalm 119. Psalm 119 just happens to be the longest chapter in the Bible and was authored by King David. Through the words of David, we will experience times when God felt distant, his Word felt dry, and the vibrant relationship David knew seemed to have vanished. In our study of this Psalm, we will quickly discover the power of God's Word in the lives of believers and its ability to provide a warm blanket for the soul. Trunk o' Treat: Mark your calendars for our annual Trunk O' Treat neighborhood outreach event, which will take place on Saturday, October 28th from 4:00pm to 7:00pm and will include food, candy, carnival games, a bounce house, hay ride, pumpkins and more. Please spread the word to your neighbors, friends and relatives. More details coming soon! Thank you for being a church that values prayer. See you Sunday! Doug If you're in sales, or if you buy things that others sell (and we all do), then you know that one frequently used and extremely effective strategy for selling a product is called the "before and after" method. Here's how it works: A salesperson demonstrates to the potential customer how bad things are prior to their product arriving onto the scene. Then the salesperson helps the potential customer to see how good things could become if they would just make this "new and improved" product a regular part of their lives. A lot of the time, to make the point, the seller will even show dramatic "before and after" pictures, contrasting the "old that is" with the "new that could be". This is the exact communication technique that the Apostle Paul uses in Ephesians 2 to teach us a huge Biblical lesson. Specifically, Paul is showing us what it is like before Jesus enters one's life, and what it is like after Jesus enters one's life.
Join us this Sunday at 9:30am, as we continue our journey through the book of Ephesians. Beginning with verse 11 of chapter 2, Paul makes a turn from talking about God's incredible plan to reconcile us as individual sinners, to talking about the body of Christ...the church. Paul is moving from the "me" of the Christian journey (from my personal relationship with God), to the "we" of the Christian journey (to our relationship with God and one another as the church). This Sunday is less about you and more about us as the body of Christ. Join us this Sunday at 9:30am as together we grow to know God more deeply. Note: Larry Annes and I want to invite you to stick around after the service, as we share where we see God leading Calvary Parkside this fall. We will meet in the large Sunday School Classroom #1 at 11:00am. Hope to see you there! Gary Sullivan Memorial: Join us TOMORROW, as we celebrate the life of Gary Sullivan. This special time of remembrance will take place at 2:00pm on Saturday, September 16th at Calvary Parkside. Sunday Morning Adult Discipleship. On Sunday, September 24th, we will begin a new study through Psalm 119. Join us at 11:00am, as we take a deep dive into the longest chapter in the Bible. Even the most mature believers face dark times where God seems distant, his Word feels dry, and the vibrant relationship we knew before seems to have vanished. In Psalm 119, we will be introduced to the words of King David who experienced similar seasons of life. Psalm 119 demonstrates the power of God's Word in the lives of believers and its ability to provide a warm blanket for the soul. Calvary Parkside Membership Class: Sunday October 15th @ 11:00am. Sign-up using the Connect Card or stop by the Next Step Table. See you Sunday! Doug When you buy a new car, the dealer gives you an owner's manual that explains what the vehicle is and how the thing works. That's sort of the way we can view the Bible book of Ephesians. It is like an "owner's manual" for the Christian life, given to us by God through the Apostle Paul. Now, as we learned when we initially began our study of Ephesians, the first half (chapters 1-3) contains the doctrinal part. It tells us what the Christian life is by clearly identifying the foundational belief principles of our faith. The back half of the owner's manual (chapters 4-6) is the lifestyle section. It explains how the Christian life works by identifying the framework behavioral practices of our faith.
Join us this Sunday at 9:30am, as dive into Ephesians 2. In this chapter, our attention is directed to the doctrine of our God-provided gift of salvation. This Sunday, we'll discover what God can do when His mercy comes in direct contact with our mess. As you prepare your heart, mind and soul to worship God passionately, let me leave you with this thought: God's love is at the very core of the salvation His mercy provides! Sunday Morning Adult Discipleship. Join us at 11:00am, as we look at the Stories Jesus Told in the New Testament. Jesus spoke in parables so that we can gain a better understanding of who God is, who were are, and his desire for our lives. Our Sunday morning discipleship class is also a great way to connect with one another authentically. Consider joining us and together, let's grow to know God more deeply. Gary Sullivan Memorial: As most of you know, Gary Sullivan, who faithfully served on our church staff for 10+ years, went home to be with Jesus this past July. On behalf of his family, I want to invite you to attend a memorial service for Gary Sullivan. This special time of remembrance will take place at 2:00pm on Saturday, September 16th at Calvary Parkside. Note: This will be the last Sunday to fill-out our Calvary Parkside Volunteer Interest Survey. After this Sunday, our Elders and Deacons will begin the process of creating volunteer teams in order to cover the needs of our church facility, administrative, and congregation. Remember, "Many hands make light work", so if you have not yet filled out the interest survey, be sure and stop by the Next Step table this Sunday and complete the survey. Thank you for prayerfully considering how you can support Calvary Parkside. See you Sunday! Doug Last Sunday, we launched into a study in the New Testament book called Ephesians. More than any other New Testament book, Paul's letter to the church in Ephesus was written as sort of a "training manual" for the Christian life. In Ephesians, Paul tells us what a follower of Jesus Christ believes (chapter 1-3) and how a follower of Jesus Christ behaves (chapters 4-6). In other words, the Apostle Paul lays out for us God's truth to learn and show us how to live truly for God.
Join us this Sunday at 9:30am, as we look at one of the most heavy-duty theological sections of the entire Bible and one of the most happy parts of all the Bible. It is heavy duty because in just one Greek sentence (12 verses), Paul spotlights God's amazing grace by showing us the unique roles that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit each play in bringing salvation to you and to me. Come and see how Paul passionately and joyfully gives our Triune God all the glory for providing salvation to us. Join us this Sunday as we dive into God's Word. Pray that the Lord will stretch your mind with the truth of His grace and grow your heart to give Him all glory and praise! Note: This is Josh Pounders last Sunday leading us in praising God through music. Josh has a played huge role in helping us replant as Calvary Parkside. Take time on Sunday to thank him for giving of his time in helping us grow in our love for God. Thank you Josh!! Sunday Morning Adult Discipleship. Join us at 11:00am, as we look at the Stories Jesus Told in the New Testament. Jesus spoke in parables so that we can gain a better understanding of who God is, who were are, and his desire for our lives. Our Sunday morning discipleship class is also a great way to connect with one another authentically. Consider joining us and together, let's grow to know God more deeply. Gary Sullivan Memorial: As most of you know, Gary Sullivan, who faithfully served on our church staff for 10+ years, went home to be with Jesus this past July. On behalf of his family, I want to invite you to attend a memorial service for Gary Sullivan. This special time of remembrance will take place at 2:00pm on Saturday, September 16th at Calvary Parkside. See you Sunday! Doug Time, tears, trials, teaching, and testifying--these things summed up Paul's ministry in Ephesus. For a brief time at the end of his second missionary journey, and then for more than two years on his third missionary journey, Paul ministered to the church in Ephesus. During his time in this bustling, cosmopolitan, multi-ethnic port city, that housed the famous temple to the Greek goddess Artemis, Paul saw many converted to faith in Jesus Christ and many who opposed his preaching in the synagogues and homes. One prominent silversmith, Demetrius, who made trinkets for the worship of Artemis, found his business suffering greatly because people were converting to Christianity, and a near riot ensued. TO BE CONTINUED...
Join us this Sunday at 9:30am, as we begin a fall study in the book of Ephesians. Ephesians is one of Paul's most formal letters. It hits on a wide range of moral and ethical behaviors, designed to ensure believers are living up to our heavenly calling. As we continue in our faith from day to day, month to month, and year to year, the temptation to get comfortable will always exist. In Ephesians, Paul reminds us of the gift of God in Christ and the benefits we receive so clearly that we cannot help but ask ourselves if our lives reflect that reality as they should. Sunday Morning Adult Discipleship. Join us at 11:00am, as we look at the Stories Jesus Told in the New Testament. Jesus spoke in parables so that we can gain a better understanding of who God is, who were are, and his desire for our lives. Our Sunday morning discipleship class is also a great way to connect with one another authentically. Consider joining us and together, let's grow to know God more deeply. Where's Calvary Parkside?: Only one week left to participate in our Calvary Parkside Summer Road Trip. Grab your t-shirt and snap a picture of you wearing it in some exotic, or not-so-exotic, location. Email your photo to [email protected]. It's that easy! Need a Calvary Parkside t-shirt? Stop by the Next Step Table this Sunday and pick one up and let's continue to "Make Jesus non-ignorable in Beaverton and to the ends of the earth." See you Sunday! Doug |
December 2024