At some point, most of Paul's letters contain a shift from principle to practical, from doctrine to duty, from orthodoxy to orthopraxy. The book of Ephesians is no different. Beginning with Ephesians 4:1, Paul pauses to say, "In light of all the great theological truths I've just shared, act in the following way." Think back to the profound doctrinal principles he has been developing in his letter to the Ephesian believers:
1. our adoption as God's children (1:4-5) 2. the hope of our inheritance (1:11, 18) 3. the riches of God's grace (2:1-10) 4. our unity with God and with each other (2:11-22) This Sunday at 9:30am, Pastor Larry will begin our transition away from doctrine, as we turn our attention towards how we are to live as followers of Christ, and in response to God's amazing grace. Our sins are forgiven by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and now we have been made alive in Christ – but what now? Paul answers that question in Chapter 4. This week we are going to talk about the implications of the grace that God has poured out upon us. We are going to talk about the worthy walk of those who have put their trust in Jesus. Jesus calls us to walk in humility, gentleness, and patience; forbearing with one another in love. Sounds easy – right? Since Jesus has defeated the powers of darkness that enslaved us and we are free from that power – He is able to equip His leaders of His church and the people of His church for the work He has called us to do. We are called to unity and He has called us to mature in His Kingdom and we are all called to a life of serving as we labor to advance the Kingdom of God. Join us this Sunday at 9:30am, as we gather together to worship God passionately, grow to know God deeply and connect with one another authentically. New Adult Discipleship Class Study: Speaking of connecting with one another authentically, make plans to join us after the service at 11:00am, as our Adult Discipleship Class begins a new study in Psalm 119. Psalm 119 just happens to be the longest chapter in the Bible and was authored by King David. Through the words of David, we will experience times when God felt distant, his Word felt dry, and the vibrant relationship David knew seemed to have vanished. In our study of this Psalm, we will quickly discover the power of God's Word in the lives of believers and its ability to provide a warm blanket for the soul. Trunk o' Treat: Mark your calendars for our annual Trunk O' Treat neighborhood outreach event, which will take place on Saturday, October 28th from 4:00pm to 7:00pm and will include food, candy, carnival games, a bounce house, hay ride, pumpkins and more. Please spread the word to your neighbors, friends and relatives. More details coming soon! Thank you for being a church that values prayer. See you Sunday! Doug Comments are closed.
December 2024