We are just two weeks (and a couple of days) from Easter Sunday. Every year, during the Easter season, Christians find renewed hope in the resurrection story. Easter and hope are synonymous. There is nothing like Easter to bring hope back to life. Easter has its own anthems. Easter has its own scriptures. And Easter has it own proclamation: "He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said..." (Matthew 28:6)
This year, I want to challenge you to share the hope of Easter by inviting a family member, friend or neighbor to our Easter Sunday gathering. Easter is the perfect time to invite someone to church. Here's why, "...but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8. The Easter Story is the essence of the gospel. The most important piece of information you could ever share with another individual is that Jesus paid the price for our sins by dying on the cross, and that he overcame death by resurrecting on the third day. Easter is a day when Jesus' followers celebrate His victory over death and reflect on the resurrection. Jesus' sacrifice was real, and Easter provides an opportunity to refocus on the most important part of our faith. Who is God wanting you to invite to church this Easter? Is it that neighbor you casually say "hi" to when checking the mail? Or is it a family member who hasn't been to church in years? Maybe it's someone you haven't seen for a while, but they've been on your mind lately. Or it could be someone on your i3 list. Reach out with some type of invitation to join you this Easter. Be sure and use the invite cards from church (available at the next step table) to convey the church location and service time. This Easter, extend the invitation and give God the opportunity to surprise you! Calvary Parkside Upcoming Events: Good Friday Service: April 7 at 7:00pm. Join us for a time of singing, scripture reading, directed prayer for our hearts to be receptive to the Easter message; for our friends and neighbors who need to hear the gospel message, and that we would continue to make Jesus non-ignorable in Beaverton. The evening will conclude with the Lord's Supper. Egg Hunt, Games and Crafts: April 8 from 11:00am to 1:00pm. Invite your friends and neighbors to our egg hunt! Kids will enjoy games, food, crafts, a place to snap a family photo, and a good old-fashioned egg hunt. Easter Sunday Service: April 9 at 9:30am. Join us as we celebrate our risen Savior! Don't forget to bring a friend, neighbor or family member with you. Beaverton High School Serve Day: April 14th from 9:30am to 1:00pm. This will be a great opportunity to serve those who don't yet know Jesus. More details to come. See you Sunday Doug Comments are closed.
December 2024